Crop and Weed spraying were the original focus, targeting hard to access, and problem areas. Predominantly Gorse and Broom.
This list soon grew to include Crop spraying, Nursery Spraying, Forestry & Drain Spraying.
As demand for Pesticide and Fungicide spraying increased, a second craft was purchased to apply only these products, eliminating herbicide contamination to sensitive crops.
All our operations are made from a 4x4 vehicle, fitted with either of two 200l mixing units,(herbicide or insecticide/fungicide) for spraying, along with an onboard custom-built charging system that provides a constant 230v power supply for battery charging , or we use a generator for the bigger jobs.
We’ve sprayed so many different scenarios, crops, nurseries, brush weeds, drains, roofs and concrete structures for moss, wilding trees, irrigation pond embankments, Canal Banks, we’ve even used the crafts’ rotor wash as frost prevention in a vineyard.